Hamburgischen Bürgerschaft
Vote with your heart
Making Hamburgers fit for the Hamburg state election in 2020
The motto "Vote with your heart" intends to inspire local Hamburgers to cote in the 2020 Hamburg state election. Task: To highlight that voting is important and can even be fun.
Together with our colleagues from Philipp und Keuntje we were able to secure the project and take over responsibility for the integrated communications for the Hamburg state election on 23 February 2020. This marked our first joint campaign since the merger in April 2019.
Democracy grants us many liberties; we dictate our lives on a daily basis. The campaign approached questions and decisions we all face on a daily basis in an entertaining manner to highlight that voting forms a major part of our daily lives, and it is undoubtedly effective! “The campaign took place via a number of channels and on both sides of the digital spectrum. From Altenwerder to Wilhelmsberg, we appealed to all those entitled to vote – from early morning in the bakery to the last look at your smartphone in the evening”, explains our CEO Matthias Wesselmann.
„The multi-dimensional concept from fischerAppelt won us over with its clear digital focus. It draws the viewer's attention and appeals to a wide range of target groups. This will be a key issue in the coming weeks.“
The president of the Hamburg city council Carola Veit confirmed: “The multi-dimensional concept from fischerAppelt won us over with its clear digital focus. It draws the viewer's attention and appeals to a wide range of target groups. This will be a key issue in the coming weeks.”
When the campaign was live, over 100 different motifs could be found throughout the city. In line with the slogan “If you don’t vote, the vote will come to you”, going to vote was simplified and the principles of the state election were clearly explained. The campaign launched in January 2020 in both analogue and digital format, in the suburbs and the city centre. Furthermore, Hamburg companies, sport associations and opinion makers cooperated to motivate their workforces and communities to vote.
„We were pleased twofold: on the one hand, because we were able to promote democracy and the solidarity of society with this campaign. And, on the other, owing to the recent merger of fischerAppelt and PUK, we wanted to prove that the new constellation could rise above strong competition.“