Germany against the coronavirus

An initiative for physical distancing and a closer sense of community

The pandemic has turned the world upside down and created huge challenges for everyone. But each of us can contribute to mastering it. Our initiative, "Deutschland gegen Corona"   (Germany against the coronavirus), addresses each and everyone of us with the help of large partners: "Hold your distance - hold together".

Through the hashtag #allefüralle (all for all), the initiative "Germany against the coronavirus" calls on everyone to pull together during these exceptional circumstances for our society and to turn the major rules of behaviour into routine habits: Hold together - hold your distance! Together, we want to prove that Germany can grow into a solidary community in such times - and that common sense and solidarity can fight the virus.

Numerous partners

Together with partners from business (including DAK-Gesundheit, Das Futterhaus, Deutsche Bank, Hamburger Hochbahn, kununu, Kühne, Spreadshirt, Unilever, WallDecaux) and media (for instance ada, Bauer Media Group, Der Spiegel, Facebook, FAZ, Gruner + Jahr, Handelsblatt, WirtschaftsWoche and ZDF), we are calling on everyone to transform social distancing into a new form of togetherness with our campaign "Alle für alle" (all for all).

We have placed messages across Germany to remind us of the recommended distance of two metres, to call for mutual responsibility, and to give us the courage to face the challenges as a community. Through our media partners, the campaign's messages are also present online and in print.

Heart of the initiative

The website   and the social media channels provide numerous tips and inspirations. TV is broadcasting our spot "Für dich, für mich, für alle  " (for you, for me, for us all), which depicts our current reality: our life with social distancing.


Udo Lindenberg, a major musician and artist in Germany, is the speaker in the 30-second spot as part of our #allefüralle (all for all) campaign and his voice gives it a special, personal tone.

The initiative was founded by partners active in business, media and culture. They all have one message: our social life may be on hold right now, but every one of us has a role to play. To hold our distance. And to hold together.