Monsters Of Content Marketing

Netflix - the wellness oasis in Social Media Things

This is what our 16th podcast episode "Monsters of Content Marketing" is about

Dirk Benninghoff

Dirk Benninghoff


When a content marketer is surprised by the "goodwill of our fans on social media" it quickly becomes clear that his brand must be something special. The quote comes from Andreas Laux, content team leader at Netflix  in Germany. He and his team romp around in the feel-good oasis of social media. While for others criticism (in the constructive case) and hate speech (in the destructive case) is part of everyday life, for Netflix it's just a hail of hearts. And usually a thousand times over – per tweet, per posting. Laux feels a "positive prevailing mood, which is not typical for social media".

In the new episode of Monsters of Content Marketing  Laux talks about the secret of Netflix's social media success. You are simply part of the reality of the target group. "We have a good feeling for what the fans want. You know what moves the community, how they talk to each other, how they make their memes. But Laux also sees an obligation to his team. "We have to listen." Classic media often have problems with that. Important for him and his team: being humble, modest, admitting mistakes. "Traditional companies have a hard time with that."

The streaming service operates numerous websites and podcasts, mainly in English, but for Laux and his team, which has the size of a "manageable online editorial office", social media is the most relevant medium. On Twitter alone, Netflix has more than 900,000 followers in Germany, on Instagram even 1.5 million. Netflix usually keeps them happy with funny and ironic content.

To be loose and flip: There is often more work behind it than behind press releases.

Andreas Laux, Netflix
The aim of the content is not to raise the "watch numbers" but to give fans a platform for communication and discussion about series. But also to enlighten: "What's there to watch tonight?" "Fandom" is an important element for Netflix.

How important media work for the ex-journalist Laux is, whether negative reviews have an effect on viewer numbers – and what his top series are: You can find out this and much more in the new episode of Monsters of Content Marketing.

Listen now

Our podcast Monsters of Content Marketing is available on Spotify , Apple Podcasts , Soundcloud  and YouTube . Please note, that the podcast is in German.