Monsters Of Content Marketing
Premiere at the KKongress: Monster in a double pack
This is what our first podcast special from the communication congress in Berlin is about
Premiere in Berlin: For the first time, the Monsters of Content Marketing performed live and “physically” in front of an audience. We brought top-class speakers from the stage right in front of our podcast microphone in our “monster” lounge at the communications congress. The moderator also celebrated a debut: Board member Matthias Wesselmann represented the actual host Dirk Benninghoff, who fell ill shortly before the congress. The double premiere is refined with a #KKongress double episode: Sandra Coy from Tchibo and Dr. Michael Helbig from KfW talk about sustainability communication in times of Corona – and a lot more.
MoCM with Sandra Coy, Spokesperson for Corporate Responsibility & Quality, Tchibo
“Two to three cups a day are really good for your health and mind,” the Tchibo spokeswoman, responsible for corporate responsibility and sustainability, explains to our host Matthias about optimal coffee consumption. Why is the Tchibo podcast called "5 cups a day"? “There are two interlocutors.” The aim of the format is to convey complex topics in a more vivid and “sexy” way, says Sandra. This is particularly important for sustainability issues. The podcast offers enough time to think deeper – and also fits Tchibo's strategy of becoming more emotional. So far, the content has been very factual and informative, stated the spokeswoman. Do you have to get louder in these times to get through, because everything is talking about sustainability? Sandra thinks: Yes!
„We have been talking [about sustainability] for 5 years, were silent for a long time until we had something to say.“
In the podcast you can find out what the signal was for the topic of sustainability at Tchibo, how the coffee specialist wants to become the “sustainable company for the mainstream” and how ex-journalist Sandra Coy thinks about a return to the media business.
MoCM with Dr. Michael Helbig, Director of Communication and Press Officer, KfW
Michael Helbig has seen “extremely exciting times in terms of communication”. “From one day to the next” KfW was at the center of a corona-related credit storm and became the lifeline of the German economy. Helbig and his team mastered the mammoth task in three textbook-like phases: the information phase in which KfW “went public very quickly and very deliberately” and demonstrated “we give you this and that in funding”. The next step, which had to make it clear that “the whole thing is also successful”, that is, the money really arrives. And finally the third step: "Impact communication", which should show that KfW's money really makes a difference. This is a specialty of the development bank anyway.
Very important: What does our funding do?
Michael talks about a project that particularly impressed him: a giant solar power plant in Morocco that is financed by KfW and that aims to make the country independent of fossil fuels. “It's exciting for a communicator to tell exactly these stories.” Storytelling should be authentic, says Helbig, and questions others about whether what they are telling in their content marketing really happened that way.
The example from Morocco is exemplary for KfW for another reason. Climate protection is their main concern, which is currently being concealed by Corona. But Helbig assumes "that the topic will come back with all its might".
Where Michael Helbig sees the future of mass communication, why personal branding is not an issue for him and why KfW recommends an ice cream parlor, he tells in the second part of the first #Kongress special of the Monsters of Content Marketing.
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Our Monsters of Content Marketing podcast is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud and YouTube. Please note that the podcast is in German.