Monsters Of Content Marketing
No long chats: Comdirect
This is what our 14th podcast episode "Monsters of Content Marketing" is about
When Comdirect was looking into the question of whether podcasts should also be offered in the first half of 2018, the quickborn asked themselves "whether it's not already too late" for a new podcast, remembers Dennis Pagel from the communications team of the direct bank. The audio trend was already in full swing. But it wasn't too late: Comdirect was right on time. They sent two podcasts into the race with "Schwungmasse" and "Com On" in the fall of 2018. Today the number of subscribers is 20,000 and 25,000. Besides that they generate 10,000 and more downloads every month. The formats are also popular by experts and they got PR and marketing awards. Comdirect is one of the top German addresses when it comes to corporate podcasts.
The secret of success can be summarized in two words: Hands on!
„We didn't want to start with power point presentations and take seven rounds through the board.“
Example "Schwungmasse" a podcast embedded in the content hub "Financial Heroes". As the title makes it easy to see it is about women and investing – two universes that are still often irreconcilable. To add a podcast to the Content Hub two female colleagues sat down, developed the concept and name, made a test recording and sent it around in a small circle. The unanimous verdict: "There is nothing to be ashamed of. At the "Com On" stock exchange talk. Comdirect stock exchange strategist Andreas Lipkow talks to Marcus Weingran from the Onvista finance portal about hot stocks and stock exchange topics. "They deal with these topics all day long anyway, once a week in the podcast."
The advice of the experts
What advice do Comdirect's experts have for prospective podcasters?
You have to like the format yourself, you have to hear it yourself.
It should be entertaining, the target group should be known. Nevertheless the Comdirect man considers the assumption that podcasts can be used to generate leads to be "difficult". In any case podcasts should not be test balloons, but one must be prepared from the outset to do this at least over the course of the year. "In the best case, weekly", so Pagel, because the algorithms of the streaming platforms prefers regular publications that also bind the listener to the podcast. Siragusano says, "Sacrificing three quarters of a year for a concept does not help at all".
The Comdirect talks are not pre-scripted, emphasizes the head of communications; questions arise from the conversation. The production is efficient, there is no large studio. In short: Podcasts are "absolutely budget friendly" at Comdirect, the head of communications is pleased to say. Although the two podcasts run weekly, Siragusano says the time required is therefore manageable: with "Schwungmasse" a total of about 4 to 5 hours, with "Com On" recording time plus one hour of editing. So little time has seldom been invested in prize-winning productions.
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Our podcast Monsters of Content Marketing ist available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud und YouTube. Please note, that the podcast is in German.