fischerAppelt, advisors

Strategy, brands & innovation

We develop strategies and measures for our clients and continuously support them during implementation.

As a strategic management consultancy of fischerAppelt, we support companies in:

  • differentiating themselves through a strong and compelling brand
  • supporting the development of innovative products and services
  • developing communication strategies in a comprehensible manner, both internally and externally

We make complexity manageable and open up new potential for the success of companies.

Our empathic team offers support in developing individual solutions. We identify existing synergies in companies and translate the developed strategies directly into actions.

Our clients benefit from our accumulated experience of various industries. To immerse into the scope, we always generate qualitative insights of our client’s target group. This helps both us and the companies to progress rapidly.

Our expertise:

Brand strategy

  • Brand strategy & positioning
  • Brand architecture & development
  • Brand implementation
  • Customer experience

Communication strategy

  • Internal & external corporate communications
  • Change management & communication
  • Crisis management & communication
  • Corporate & executive profiling

Innovation strategy

  • Development of new business models
  • Support for digital transformation
  • Development of new products and services
  • Methods transfer

Organizational strategy

  • Communication architecture
  • Governance models
  • Newsroom
  • Corporate culture development

Birand Bingül


Widdersdorfer Straße 205

50825 Köln
