
Digital Press Conferences: What's next?

Which trends and topics the press conferences of tomorrow should include

fischerAppelt News

fischerAppelt News

While trade fairs and conferences such as MWC and IFA used to be the fixed dates in the annual calendar for presenting product innovations, new rules now apply. The press conference as a stage show in front of an audience is (more or less) over, event platforms are in the process of reinventing themselves, and new formats are being experimented with everywhere. At the same time, the first signs of fatigue with video streaming are already noticeable in the target audience. Where is the journey in digitally addressing journalists and multipliers heading? How can a digital experience be transported? And how is real interaction created? Marc Recker, managing director of fischerAppelt, relations  and Leif Lewinski, assistant to the executive board at fischerAppelt, will give an overview of trends at press conferences using the example of the upcoming IFA and plenty of inspiration for the virtual staging of innovation and digital storytelling.

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