
Binge Watching, the new mantra in content marketing

How to do real storytelling and market it efficiently

fischerAppelt News

fischerAppelt News

What do Netflix, Amazon, Facebook and YouTube have in common? They have embraced long-form video formats, generated exponential growth, and reached the hearts and living rooms of users. However, there is much more behind this success than just the simple production of movies – because even before the conception and during production, data, user behavior and real-time tracking play an enormous role. They support the development of strong dramaturgies, pick up the viewer and keep him or her engaged. After all, many studies have shown that watchtime is the most important factor for the algorithms of YouTube and Co. In their webcast, our moving image experts Markus Hensgen and Dietrich PflĂŒger from fischerAppelt, play  provide an insight into exactly this topic, because with their approach they have found an exciting new way of doing storytelling and marketing it in a highly efficient way.

Interest aroused? We will be happy to send you the recordings of our live sessions by entering your data. Please note that the webcast is in German.

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